by Steve Smith with Ying Kai
pages: 349; paperback
Steve Smith has done a great job searching the scriptures concerning church planting, compiling a training guide based on Biblical principles, and giving several examples in various contexts of how these can be lived out in today's changing world. T4T A Discipleship Rerevolution is a well-tested tool that can help many as they desire to live life as a"follower of Jesus and fisher of men" (a phrase Steve uses frequently in both his written training and in his verbal teaching). Each chapter builds on the previous chapter in going step by step into the concepts of what Steve calls a process that coupled with the Holy Spirit's moving can lead to a church planting movement. Examples from his own ministry as well as many excerpts from the life of Ying Kai provide deep insights and rich dimensions to the training material. Steve is a good communicator; he knows that both repetition and practice are necessary for new ideas to take hold and new habits to be formed. The book T4T A Discipleship ReRevolution gives a solid foundation and additional information can be gained from his website.
The book's continual references to Biblical precedent and promise along with a thorough index of terms and scripture make this an essential resource for those pursuing church planting movements. Pages 185-186 touch on a key reminders of how each believer is to both grow up in Christlikeness and walk in good works that fulfill God's mission. May God's Kingdom continue to extend throughout the world so more and more people can trust that Jesus is indeed the way, truth, and life and through him to live life abundantly. Thank you Steve, for sharing what God has shown you and thank you for the book! I recommend that this book is studied with a partner so concepts can be discussed and implemented in ways for God's goodness to be known and lived.