Joy Beyond Anxiety
The Philippians' Peace
by Russell Minick
December 2007
43 pages
The Philippians' Peace
by Russell Minick
December 2007
43 pages
Russell did a great job at putting in written form the many lessens he has taught the Sojos church in the senior year of Hannah's class. His conversational tone through out the booklet made for a great way to connect to important and life-changing ideas and truths that Paul originally put forth in his letter to a church he loved while he was imprisoned in Rome. He had many reasons that they then were to keep the faith and keep the joy. Those reasons still are applicable to us today for some things will never change. Jesus left heaven to be our champion and we have now a way to live life that has meaning as we live forgiven and in community seeking to grow our love deeper in knowledge and depth on insight and in doing so be better equip to know what is best, live blamelessly and purposefully. I liked reading the book again as it brought to mind the people we lived among when Russ first taught to us these truths. His examples were from Thailand so it made it fun to again think back to those days and at the same time be encouraged at all the growth God has done in and through Sojo's church since that time in 2007-8. Our family then left Chiang Mai; Hannah to university and the rest of us to one year in London. May God continue to shape us into the character of His son I pray. This booklet has in it the full letter that Paul wrote (broken into chunks) which Russell then explains in our context and in the time of when the letter was first penned. I recommend it to anyone who desires to grow in joy and reduce anxiety as God tells us that peace is in Him. May we all grow closer to the One who loves us most. Amen. I think Russ should make this available as an e-book. I highly recommend it.