by Paul, the apostle
written 57 A.D.
16 chapters, about 14 pages
Recently (Feb 2014) I received a list of passages, from a friend that goes to The Grove, that help to give a Biblical identity of those that are in God's family. As a number of them were from Paul's letter to those in Rome, I decided today to read the 16 chapter letter and look for clues that show me my identity. This is what I have found:
1:7 I'm beloved of God and called to be a saint
3:24 I'm justified by his grace and redeemed
4:7-8 I'm blessed as one forgiven
5:1 I'm made right in God's sight by faith and have peace with God through Jesus
5:2 I'm able to rejoice in hope of the glory of God
5:3-5 I'm able to rejoice in troubles, for through them God is building and strengthening me
5:8 I'm loved
5:9 I'm saved from wrath
5:10-11 I'm rejoicing in reconciliation to God
5:20 I'm one who receives God's grace that far supersedes my sin
6:7 I'm freed from sin
6:11 I'm dead to sin and alive to God
6:23 I'm given the gift of eternal life
8:1 I'm freed of condemnation
8:2 I'm freed from the sin/death cycle
8:10 I'm one in which God's Spirit dwells
8:14 I'm a child of God, led by His Spirit
8:17 I'm a co-heir with Jesus.
8:29 I'm able to be conformed to the image of Jesus
8:31 I'm protected. God is for me
8:32 I'm freely given all things
8:35&39 I'm inseparable from God's love
8:37 I'm more than a conqueror through Jesus.
9:26 I'm a child of the living God.
12:5 I'm one body in Jesus
12:6 I'm given gifts to use
14:8 I'm one who belongs to the Lord!
15:13 I'm filled with hope and peace.