Humility; True Greatness is a book that I first heard of by reading the 2011 read list of a friend who serves in China. Next to this title she wrote, " read-again and should read it each year". That caught my interest. Later i saw this thin black book on another friend's bookshelf and asked to borrow it. Although it is small, there is a lot packed into it and i would suggest reading the last chapter first as it is a wonderful over-view of the previous chapters and even has "how-to" suggestions in list form (and number 12 will probably make you smile like it did me :)). If growing in humility is a passion, then this book is a great place to start. The author quotes many authors throughout history and sites various sources throughout each chapter to fuel the pursuit of growing in humility. One suggestion is to ask yourself (and your children), whom do you most admire and why. the answers will give good insight into values and understanding of Jesus' teaching of true greatness.
Now here is Lorraine C's recommendation:
The book Humility: True Greatness by CJ Mahaney is a small little book that just struck a chord at the right time, and since most of sin is rooted in pride, I gave it a good read. And I just flipped through it again, I remember being struck by his defining of terms: pride: “is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence on Him.” ... Then he goes through Jesus' teaching and words about humility, and then practical ways to fight the sin of pride, and how to look for grace in other people’s lives. It is certainly worth a read.
Thanks, Lorraine!
Humility; True Greatness
author: CJ Mahaney
hardback; 174 pages
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