Russell and I are now empty-
nesters... actually, when
Isaiah graduated high school, not only were all three kiddos off to new nests of their own, but Russ and I flew from our recent home as well. So since mid-July 2011 we have been on the move quite a bit. I started thinking about how Jesus spent his last three years on the move and so this most recent time to read through Mark's account of the life of Jesus, I paid attention to just where did Jesus go? Jesus lived a life of full obedience and filled with compassion he healed, fed, taught, prayed, removed demons and many other things. So where did he go to do these things?
Chapter one:
Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised by John in the Jordan
then the Spirit sent Jesus out to the dessert for 40 days
next onto Galilee
and He walked beside the Sea of Galilee
after he chose some followers they went to
the morning after much healing in the house of Peter's mother-in-law, Jesus went to pray in a solitary place then they traveled throughout Galilee to many near-by villages
Chapter 2
Jesus again entered
Once again Jesus went out beside the lake
walked through the
grain fields on a
Chapter 3
Jesus spent time in the synagogue
Jesus withdrew with his
disciples to the lake
Jesus went up on a mountainside
Chapter 4
Jesus again began to teach by the lake
Jesus told his
disciples, "let us go over to the other side"
Chapter 5
they crossed the lake to the region of the
then they recrossed the lake to the other side
they went to a home of a
synagogue leader
Chapter 6
Jesus went to his hometown
Jesus went around teaching from village to village
Jesus went with the
apostles (after their first solo mission trip) to get some rest by boat to a solitary place. more
ministry took place and Jesus sent the
apostles to
Bethsaida and he went up on a
mountain-side to pray.
Jesus walked out on the lake to the apostles in the boat
they anchored at
and wherever they went--into villages, towns or
countryside--Jesus healed the sick
Chapter 7
Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre
after Tyre they went through
Sidon, down the sea of Galilee and into the region of the
Chapter 8
Jesus got in a boat with his
disciples and went to the region of
then again by boat went to the other side.
next stop:
then on to villages around
Caesarea Philippi
Chapter 9
up a high mountain with Peter, James and John (the
they left that place and passed through Galilee
then on to
Chapter 10
Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan.
with Jesus leading the way they went up to
on the way they stopped in the city of Jericho
Chapter 11
they approached Jerusalem and came to
Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives
Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple
but as it was late they stayed the night in Bethany and in the morning went again to Jerusalem
Jesus cleansed the temple and taught and when evening came they went out of the city
the next day back in Jerusalem
Chapter 12
all in Jerusalem
Chapter 13
Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives
opposite the temple
chapter 14
Back in Bethany
to the city again for the Feast of
Unleaven Bread
after the Last Supper they went out to the Mount of Olives
then on to Gethsemane where Jesus separated himself for a time of prayer
Jesus was taken to the high
Chapter 15
they bound Jesus and led him away to Pilate
the soldiers then led Jesus away into the palace (that is the
Then they led him out to crucify him.
They brought Jesus to the place called
Golgtha (which means The Place of the Skull)
Joseph took down the body of Jesus and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock.
Chapter 16
if Jesus was just a man, the story would sadly end
right here. But He is God. Mary, Mary and Salome entered that tomb and saw a young man dressed in a white robe who said, " He has risen! He is not here." He will go ahead of you into Galilee.
Jesus appeared to two walking in the country
then he appeared to the 11 as they were eating
Jesus is alive and shared with his
Eleven that they were to go. "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
Jesus was taken up into heaven.
Jesus sat at the right hand of God.
The Gospel According to Mark
by Mark
16 Chapters
written about A.D. 65