This book gets better with each chapter. When we moved to Houston a ladies group that prays for missionaries by name on their birthdays invited me to join them on Tuesdays and they were studying the armor of God from Ephesians 6 via the book Power Suit. I'm so happy I joined them! The author of Power Suit is also a speaker and I picture she speaks just like she writes, with lots of zip and illustrations. The book covers all 6 parts of the armor (belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit) and as essential these are to wear each day, we also learn what needs to come off before this armor will fit properly as it should. Each section also has "extras" and these are challenges that will lead to thinking differently and helpful steps are offered to make change possible. It is a book designed not only to be read but to be studied so in the very back the author includes a useful study guide to be used in a group or on your own to aid the formation of healthy and Biblical disciplines. I'm also thankful for the scripture that come to life in the context of why any of this is relevant to living a meaningful and effective life. Thank you Houston's First Women on Missions group for including me in this time of growth.
Power Suit
the Armor of God Fit for the Feminine Frame
by Sharon Norris Elliott
187 pages, paperback
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