A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back
by Todd Burpo
This is a book I have seen quite a bit in ariports, as Russ and I have traveled about this year in the USA. Various people have recommended it to me and especailly during the time I was awaiting results from an ab-normal medical test it caught my interest. But it wasn't until after I got my library card in the Heights and a librarian helped me to find it that I actually read it.
Well, it is very much like the subtitle describes: the little boy, named Colton, has a need for emergency surgery and while that is taking place he goes to heaven. Later as he is fully recovered he begins to tell his family bits and pieces of what it was like in heaven including people he met, time spent with Jesus, the colors of heaven, etc. The story unfolds from the father's point of view and is a quick and easy read and gives lots of hopeful things to think through. What I found maybe most fascinating is how Colton, even years later, had a very clear memory of what Jesus looked like. Several times since Colton's experience there were opportunities for his family to see various portraits of Jesus and each time they would ask Colton if the artwork looked like Jesus. Every time there would be something not quite right with the artists' attempt to capture in a painting or a sketch the essence of Jesus. Then Colton was shown the art work of a young girl named Akiane Kramarik (who had also been to heaven and back) and Colton was speechless so his father asked him what was wrong with the portrait. He said, "Dad, that one is right."
As Colton's dad is also a pastor, he takes the time to add dimension to the story by quoting passages from the Bible that give a foreshadowing of heaven. I'm glad I read the book and for it being the first near-death-expereince book I have read, I found it to be a good one and believable. Can't wait to go myself!
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