Lethal Harvest
by: William Cutrer, M.D. and Sandra Glahn
Paperback, 407 pages
Dr. Bill Cutrer taught Russell and I in our newly marrieds Sunday
school class, rescued Hannah and Sophie from traumatic birth
experiences and was recovering from his own heart surgery at the
time of Isaiah's birth. A remarkable man in so many ways that when
he died recently in Kentucky where he and Jane had moved to after
Dallas years, I found myself missing him very much. His first
medical thriller novel, Lethal Harvest, I had read years ago, but it
was a joy to reread it and get a fresh glimpse at an old friend.
The meaningful funeral in the opening of the story made me wonder
about Dr. Bill's own funeral. In this novel he drew heavily on his
own personal
experiences as a doctor, a husband, father, missionary and a man of
great care for the needs of others and reading the book helped me to
this all over again. The story dealt fairly with the ethical
questions of life and research particularly as it affects cell stems
and the medical part of Dr. Bill shown brightly in the writing, even
with the fictitious disease. The love-story part of the novel was
believable as well and made for a nice balanced read. The on-going
mystery concerning a law-suit, made me more aware of various aspects
of a
doctor's world and motives that can drive people to action. So, the
general setting: 3 doctors at 1 clinic over about a 7
month period of time told in modern day (modern for 2000, when
use was just becoming more available for normal people). There is
decent character development and an intriguing plot. Somewhere
toward the end of the book I remembered that there was a sequence to
the novel but I was very satisfied at this story's conclusion. I
have a feeling that down the road I will read Deadly Cure (#2 in the
Bioethics Series) or maybe one of his books on marriage. Thank you
Dr. Bill for putting some of what God has gifted you with down on
paper so that many can be blessed by reading what you have written.
You are an inspiration to me!
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